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UNC Charlotte, UNCC Apartments with 1, 2 Beds Floor Plan


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These 50 apartments near UNC Charlotte, UNCC have floor plans with...1, 2 bedroom layout per apartment unit. Check the details to see which specific layout each place actually has. Click on the number to select different types of bedroom layout:

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🏰 Luxury Apartments💲 Average Price💰 Cheap Price🏆 Top Rated Apartments👍 Highly Rated Rent per Room1 2 3 45+ Bedroom Layout🐕🐱 Pet Friendly🚌🚴🚶 Transportation🌉 Gated Entrance🏊 Apartments with Pool 🏋 Fitness Center👕 Washer Dryer🛌 Furnished🚀 Advanced Filters 🔑 Apartments near UNCC Subleases/Relets
Apartment Name Price RangeSquare ft²Grade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities
Presley Oaks A+Yes YesYesYes
Colville Gardens and Town$433 to $5702x2: 920ft²
A Yes Yes
Arcadia Student Living$588 to $868BYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Aspen Charlotte$653 to $7922x2: 888-1029ft²
Millennium One$677 to $9571x1: 370-561ft²
2x2: 859ft²
Rush Charlotte 1x1: 585ft²
2x2: 883-937ft²
B Yes YesYesYesYesYes
Campus Walk$435 to $5602x4: 975ft²
YesYes Yes Yes
Sharon Pines BYes Yes Yes
Somerset CPets Pool Wa/Dry
Village at Brierfield CYes YesYes
Heatherstone Condos Yes
Shannon Green Yes
blvd 98$603 to $10801x1: 482-607ft²
2x2: 809-1003ft²
Latitude 49$495 to $609BYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
The Union$613 to $8271x1: 532ft²
2x2: 1032ft²
AYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Mill$543 to $7292x2: 1037ft²
CYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
University Crossings$670 to $894CNoYes YesYesYesYesYes
Walden Station$654 to $10351x1: 576-654ft²
2x2: 1146ft²
ANoYes YesYesYesYesYes
Mallard Glen$481 to $595CPets PoolGymWa/Dry Utilities
Hunt Club AYes Yes Yes
Heather Ridge Apartments 1x1: 630-691ft²
2x2: 950ft²
BYes YesYesYesYes
Wexford Apartments 1x1: 335-520ft²
2x1: 864ft²
2x2: 864ft²
Yes YesYes Yes
The Highlands at Alexande 1x1: 692-880ft²
2x2: 997-1348ft²
2x2.5: 1267-1286ft²
BYes YesYesYesYes
Walden Court Apartments 1x1: 520-720ft²
2x2: 920-950ft²
AYesYes YesYesYes
Ashford Green C Yes YesYesYes
The Lake at University BYes YesYesYes
Colonial Grand at Univers C YesYesYes
Crossing at Reedy Creek B PoolGymWa/Dry
Pavilion at UC$848 to $1005AYes YesYesYes
Hudson Commons CYes YesYesYes
Willows at The University$477 to $5701x1: 735-802ft²
2x2: 1102-1220ft²
Yes YesYesYes
Halton Park CYes YesYesYes
Magnolia Terrace A+Yes YesYesYes
University Center Apartme AYes YesYesYes
Ascend at 1801 BYes YesYesYes
Addison Park BYes YesYesYes
Mallard Green Apartments$550 to $638AYesYes Yes Yes
The Piedmont at Ivy Meado C GatedPoolGym
Colonial Village at Chanc CYes YesYes
Landings at Greenbrooke BYes YesYes
Belle Haven AYes YesYes
Phillips Mallard Creek A+ YesYes
Mallard Creek Apartments AYes YesYes
Berkeley Place Apartments$518 to $638A+ YesYes
Barrington Place BYes YesYes
Ashley Court BYes YesYes
Arwen Vista AYes YesYes
The Townes at Old Stone C

*Prices are usually for the current year so the next year might often be 5-10% higher but sometimes lower.

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