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UF Apartments with 2 Beds Floor Plan


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These 69 apartments near UF have floor plans with...2 bedroom layout per apartment unit. Check the details to see which specific layout each place actually has. Click on the number to select different types of bedroom layout:

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🏰 Luxury Apartments💲 Average Price💰 Cheap Price🏆 Top Rated Apartments👍 Highly Rated Rent per Room1 2 3 45+ Bedroom Layout🐕🐱 Pet Friendly🚌🚴🚶 Transportation🌉 Gated Entrance🏊 Apartments with Pool 🏋 Fitness Center👕 Washer Dryer🛌 Furnished🚀 Advanced Filters 🔑 Apartments near UF Subleases/Relets
Apartment Name Price RangeSquare ft²Grade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities
Tivoli 2x2: 998ft²
CYesYes YesYesYes
The Standard$1080 to $14022x2: 827-970ft²
Gainesville Place$516 to $6322x2: 976ft²
A YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Cabana Beach$524 to $6192x2: 847ft²
13th Street$644 to $7552x2: 762ft²
B YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
The Pavilion on 62nd$446 to $6382x2 Type 1: 786ft²
2x2 Type 2: 860ft²
Campus Lodge$523 to $6592x2: 1075ft²
B Yes YesYesYesYesYes
St. Croix YesYes
West 20$599 to $10842x2: 879ft²
Oxford Manor$490 to $9122x2: 976ft²
Social 28$700 to $7972x1: 682ft²
C YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
The Continuum Apartments$647 to $9352x2: 730-768ft²
CYes YesYesYesYesYesYes
Campus Circle Gainesville 2x2: 886ft²
YesYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Retreat Gainesville$680 to $8972x2.5: 1398ft²
AYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
Hub 3rd Ave Third Ave Hub 2x1 Emerald: 608-814ft²
2x2 Emerald Many Plans: 608-814ft²
YesYes YesYesYesYesYes
Liv+ Gainesville$935 to $12152x2 Many Styles: 810-847ft²
AYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
Museum Walk$608 to $7472x2: 1053ft²
A+ Yes YesYesYesYesYes
Aero on 24th 2x2: 845ft²
2x2.5: 1220ft²
AYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
2nd Avenue Centre$680 to $9652x2: 769ft²
A Shuttle PoolGymWa/DryFurnishedUtilities
LUX 13$560 to $6962x2: 949-1000ft²
BYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Nine at Gainesville$750 to $8592x2: 793-837ft²
BYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Landings at Bivens Ar$550 to $6652x2.5: 1050ft²
A+NoYes YesYesYesYesYes
Varsity House$562 to $7342x2: 931ft²
B YesYesYesYesYes
Oakbrook Walk$648 to $7282x2: 975ft²
ANoYesYesYes YesYesYes
Lexington Crossing$516 to $6162x2: 1000ft²
Yes Yes YesYesYes
LynCourt Square A+Yes YesYesYes
The Courtyards$448 to $5872x1.5: 1000ft²
C YesYesYes YesYes
Canopy Apartments$605 to $8202x2: 952-1072ft²
B Yes YesYes YesYes
Woodlands of Gainesville$580 to $7702x2: 1157-1238ft²
APets PoolGym FurnishedUtilities
Wildflower Apartments 2x2: 1020-1245ft²
AYesYesYesYesYesYes Yes
Spyglass Apartments 2x2: 959-1014ft²
AYesYesYesYesYesYes Yes
University Commons$463 to $5732x1: 920ft²
B Yes YesYesYes Yes
Greenwich Green 2x2: 1002ft²
BYesYes YesYesYes Yes
The Enclave$450 to $7982x2: 1080-1250ft²
BYesYes YesYesYes Yes
The Ridge$660 to $8392x2: 750ft²
AYes YesYesYes Yes
Arbor Apartments 2x2.5: 1002ft²
BYesYesYesYes Yes Yes
College Manor$707 to $805BYesYes Yes Yes Yes
Country Village 2x2: 1000ft²
A+YesYes Yes Yes Yes
Latitude 29 2x2.5: 1200ft²
Shuttle Wa/Dry Utilities
Deco 39$659 to $8382x1: 802-1123ft²
2x2.5: 1484ft²
Yes Yes Yes
Centro Luxury Apartments YesYes Yes Yes
Camden Court$745 to $8442x2: 947ft²
Yes Yes
Campus View Place$573 to $663A Yes Yes
Looking Glass Apartments B Yes Yes
Liv Apartments 2x1: 850ft²
YesYes YesYes Yes
College Park Apartments$471 to $921BYesYes Yes Yes
Gator Park Apartments Yes Yes
Apartment Name Price RangeSquare ft²Grade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities

*Prices are usually for the current year so the next year might often be 5-10% higher but sometimes lower.

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