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Texas A&M, TAMU Apartments with 1, 2 Beds Floor Plan


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These 90 apartments near Texas A&M, TAMU have floor plans with...1, 2 bedroom layout per apartment unit. Check the details to see which specific layout each place actually has. Click on the number to select different types of bedroom layout:

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🏰 Luxury Apartments💲 Average Price💰 Cheap Price🏆 Top Rated Apartments👍 Highly Rated Rent per Room1 2 3 45+ Bedroom Layout🐕🐱 Pet Friendly🚌🚴🚶 Transportation🌉 Gated Entrance🏊 Apartments with Pool 🏋 Fitness Center👕 Washer Dryer🛌 Furnished🚀 Advanced Filters 🔑 Apartments near TAMU Subleases/Relets
Apartment Name Price RangeSquare ft²Grade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities
The Vintage$613 to $705BYesYes Yes
Aspire College Station$681 to $945AYesYes YesYesYesYes
University Trails College$419 to $585B Yes YesYesYesYesYes
The Cottages of College S$509 to $765B YesYesYes Yes
The Lofts at Wolf Pen Cre$466 to $1054ANoYes Yes Yes Yes
Campus Village at College$797 to $900B Yes YesYes Yes
Z Islander$761 to $954BYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Warehouse and Factory Apa$615 to $706B Yes YesYesYesYes
The Standard$614 to $10211x1: 467-560ft²
2x2: 781-1090ft²
A Shuttle PoolGymWa/DryFurnished
Reveille Ranch$409 to $513A Yes YesYesYesYes
Northpoint Crossing$566 to $1309ANo YesYesYesYes
The Cambridge at College $375 to $452ANoYes YesYes Yes
The Tradition$473 to $957B Yes YesYesYes
The Woodlands of College $495 to $694BYesYes YesYesYes
The Zone at College Stati$414 to $537B YesYesYesYes
The Retreat at College St$547 to $669AYes YesYes
Casa Verde Townhomes Yes Yes
Callaway Villas$529 to $705A Yes YesYesYesYesYes
Campus Crossings at Mario$560 to $890BPetsShuttle PoolGymWa/DryFurnishedUtilities
Park West$555 to $1009BYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
Holleman Crossing$446 to $870A+NoYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Stack at Legacy Point$566 to $728BNo YesYesYesYesYes
Cherry Street Apartments $607 to $1079A+NoYes Yes YesYesYes
Aggie Station$518 to $638A Yes YesYesYes Yes
The Element at University$844 to $950AYes Yes Yes
Lakeridge Townhomes$560 to $648B YesYesYesYes Yes
Sterling Northgate$545 to $702AYes YesYesYes Yes
Tower Park Apartments BYesYes YesYes Yes
Apartment Name Price RangeSquare ft²Grade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities
The Hudson$745 to $918BYesYes YesYesYesYes
Berkeley House BYes YesYesYesYes
The Grand 1501 CYes YesYesYesYes
Block 12$700 to $725 YesYes YesYes
Pepper Tree A Yes YesYes Yes
Rise at Northgate$551 to $1550B YesYes Yes
The Enclave$806 to $910A+YesYesYesYesYesYes
Gateway at College Statio$350 to $505A YesYesYesYesYes
Aspen Heights College Sta$570 to $765A+Yes YesYesYesYes
Eastmark at Wolf Pen Apar A Shuttle PoolGymWa/Dry
Laurel Ridge College Stat BYesYes YesYesYes
Briarwood Apartments B Yes YesYesYes
Stadium View Apartments BYesYes YesYesYes
Huntington Apartments BYesYes YesYesYes
Redstone Apartments BYesYes YesYesYes
College Edge$357 to $700C Yes YesYesYes
The Trails at Wolf Pen Cr BYesYes YesYesYes
Pearl Apartments A YesYesYes
University Square CYes YesYesYes
Domain at Northgate B PoolGymWa/Dry

*Prices are usually for the current year so the next year might often be 5-10% higher but sometimes lower.

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