NCSU Off Campus Housing Subleases Roommates Apartments - NC State - Raleigh
What is Vip?

Displayed First
Vip section is displayed first, it is only after site navigations such as menus and core links. Feel free to ask us for more details, email Vip @at
Reserved Spot
Vip section has dedicated reserved spot. The order your apartment will show is based on the spot number. For each location there are about 3 - 6 spots available.
Dedicated Page
We will work with you to create a dedicated page, with 10 - 20 pictures and any embedded social media videos. It will be up for an agreed amount of time.
What is Fast Priority?
Location Page One
Fast priority section is displayed after Vip section but still on the specific locations page one. For more details, email Fast @at

Dynamic Order
The order of your apartment will be based on the most recent first. It will still be on the specific location page one. Ask us if unclear.

Light and Fast
A fast priority spot is meant to be fast, 30 days or less (provided the market allows it). Due to this, there will not be as much support as Vip but quicker and cheaper.
Three Pillars of LiveSomeWhere
Available Housing & Apartments
Have housing or apartments available? Let us know or check out the list.
Wish Housing & Apartments
Can't find what you're looking for yet? What's your wish list of wants and requests?
Potential Roommates & Friends
Looking for compatible roommates? Might work out to be friends also? Tell a bit about yourself.
Main and/or Common
NCSU Off Campus Housing Subleases Roommates Apartments - NC State - Raleigh
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