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LCU Apartments, Off Campus Housing


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🌄 Pictures List⚡ Reset🔑 Apartments near LCU Subleases/Relets1 2 3 45+ Bedroom Layout
Apartment Name Price RangeBedroomsGrade Pets Shuttle Gated Pool Gym Wa/Dry Furnished Utilities
Cameron Court 1 to 4 Yes
Tech Terrace 3, 4A
The Republic at Lubbock$507 to $7292 to 5+AYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
25 Twenty$534 to $6531, 2, 4A YesYesYesYes YesYes
U Club at Overton Park$519 to $5994B Yes YesYes YesYes
U Lofts$675 to $7711, 2BYes YesYes YesYes
The Village at Overton Pa$506 to $6212, 4B YesYesYesYes Yes
The Centre at Overton Par$650 to $7861, 2, 3A YesYesYesYes
2012 Main at Overton Park 2 YesYes Yes
Arbor Gardens Apartments 1, 2, 3 Pets Pool Wa/Dry Utilities
Springfield Apartments 1, 2A YesYesYesYes
Driftwood Apartments 1, 2 Yes Yes
Cantibury Pointe Apartmen 3, 4D YesYes
Park Tower Apartments$775 to $876 C YesYes
Bentwood Apartments 1, 2BYesYes Yes
Indian Creek Apartments 1, 2, 3C Yes
Siena Townhomes 2AYesYes
O60 Courts and Lofts C
Baccarat 1, 2 Yes
Copperwood 1, 2 No
Quaker Terrace Apartments
21 Hundred at Overton Par$538 to $6572, 4, 5+BYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
University Pointe$469 to $6152, 3, 4B YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Capstone Cottages$599 to $7853, 4, 5+AYesYes YesYesYesYesYes
The Bloc$469 to $5523, 4B Yes YesYesYesYesYes
The Grove$405 to $4842, 3A YesYesYesYesYes
Raiders Pass$399 to $4792, 3, 4A Yes Yes YesYesYes
The Scarlet 1, 3, 4BYesYesYesYesYes YesYes
The Holly$397 to $5742, 3, 4A+YesYesYesYesYes YesYes
Wildwood 2, 3, 4BPetsShuttle PoolGym FurnishedUtilities
The Avenue at Lubbock$441 to $11601 to 5+AYesYes YesYes YesYes
The Landing at Pinewood P 1, 2, 3BYesYes YesYes Yes
University Trails$459 to $9891 to 4B Yes Yes
Cottages of Lubbock$465 to $6362 to 5+CYesYes YesYesYesYes
The Suites at Overton Par 3A YesYesYesYes
Raiders Walk$497 to $9351, 2B YesYesYes Yes
The Square at South Overt$613 to $7051, 2B Yes Yes
The Edge 1, 2APetsShuttleGatedPoolGymWa/Dry
The Icon 1, 2A YesYesYesYes
The Ranch Lubbock$380 to $4573, 4AYesYes YesYesYes
District West Apartments 1, 2C YesYes
Riverstone Park Apartment 1, 2B Yes Yes
Woodcrest Apartments 1, 2, 3B Yes Yes
Savoy Condominiums 1, 2 Yes Yes
Dakota Arms Apartments 1, 2, 3AYes YesYesYes
Indiana Village 1, 2BYesYes YesYes
Boston Creek 1, 2, 3B Yes YesYes
Stratford Place 2 Shuttle PoolGym

*Prices are usually for the current year so the next year might often be 5-10% higher but sometimes lower.

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