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Hawthorne Commons Apartments

Grade: of 90 reviews Rated 5

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Jan 2015: I've lived here for almost a year and a half and I love it here! The office staff is amazing and always willing to answer any questions you may have. They have made a great improvement to the complex and are continuing to do so. Awesome location, less than a mile to UNCW. Review from 1/27/15 on Apartment Ratings
Dec 2014: I LOVE IT!!! The staff are nice a helpful!!! Having monthly meetings and they are ALWAYS trying to find ways to make the apartments BETTER!!! Review from 12/16/14 on Apartment Ratings
May 2014: This place has done a complete 180 turn-around. This new management has made this place not only better but now I can really consider this one of the top of the line apartments that a student can live in. This new management has cleaned the pool area up and made it into a salt water pool. They have put in a new grilling pavillon thats amazing complete with a fire pit, new pet stations all around the apartment complex, new starbucks coffee bar, new walkways so you no longer have to walk through the grass to get your mail, an amazing pet park that has obstacles and challenges for the pets to overcome, the pool furniture was revamped and last but not least (maybe the best part of the new ownership) is the new management. Anonymous review from 5/02/2014 on Apartment Ratings
Jan 2014: This company changes hours without notice. No one picks up any of the phone lines, no one calls back. Dog poop all over the place. Company changes policies about when rent is due and does not inform you ahead of time. Roach and other bug infested . Dishonest and uncooperative maintenance man . Office lady is lazy and unhelpful . It's as bad as it was before these apartments were bought out and under a different name. Really old building and things like carpet and the stoves are old,nasty, and don't work . Rent used to start at $699 and now it's $775 , not worth what they are asking for at all. The people they hire to get rid of the bugs are lazy and unhelpful as well. Go else where if you can. Anonymous review from 1/05/2014 on Apartment Ratings
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May 2013: This place gets a poor rating not for any reason other than the leasing office. If the hours on the door say 9-5 then there should be someone in the office from 9 to 5. I can understand leaving for an hour b/c you went to get lunch, but 9 times out of 10 there will be no body in the office when you go by there to ask a question or tell them of a problem, or pay rent. don't get me wrong they're nice people, just lacking professionalism. Anonymous review from 5/25/2013 on Google

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