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Cheaper On or Off Campus?


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March 12, 2019
73 months ago

The question if it is cheaper to live on or off campus comes up all of the time. The general answer is off campus.

While price wise off campus is almost always is cheaper, you must keep in mind what you are giving up:

  • Time no more walking to class, see if your off campus options offer a shuttle.
  • Food no more walk to the dinning all. This may be a positive for some as you can save money and have more control over what you eat.
  • Campus Atmosphere meeting new people is extremely easy on campus compared to off campus.

The modern off campus community will have many programs to address the typical advantages of on campus housing vs off campus housing. This can include roommate matching, all-inclusive rent, and fully furnished units. While these help, there are still some drawbacks to moving off campus.

So, usually off campus housing is usually cheaper than on campus housing, but remember to make your decision while looking at the whole picture, not just the price.

Topic: College Apartments and Housing Life

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